Thursday, 6 September 2012

Short shrift

What's been happening over the last week then? Not a lot really. It's the great thing about being back in a city; having lots more activity options, and being able to choose to be inactive.

One thing I've been doing is trying to buy some new shorts. I only had four pairs of casual shorts and 2 paris of multi-purpose sports shorts when I got here, which is probably just about enough. Definitely more than enough for summers back home. However, my bike was kind enough to cause arse ripping-out of two pairs, leaving one decent pair and one pair I don't really like. I also managed to destroy the shorts I use for running the same way. All very interesting to you I'm sure. The point is, I need shorts, and I've been struggling. The first thing I'm struggling with is style. I'm not sure if shorts have changed since I last bought them, or Canadian shorts fashion don't appeal to me, but I just find everything boring, hideously coloured, or big baggy and heavy and looking like something that someone who says " duuuuuuude" a lot. The second problem I seem to be having is going to the right shops. I still don't really know the shops which only have ladies clothes. So I often find myself wandering into a female clothing shop, thinking I've finally found some nice shorts and then realising that the sizes don't seem familiar. So no success so far. Luckily it's near the end of summer. My other shorts problem is entirely self inflicted. I need shorts for running, and shorts for playing football (soccer...). However, I don't like football shorts. They are just weirdly thin and baggy and not useful for anything else. And running shorts are just indecent and no one should be allowed to wear them. So trying to explain what I'm looking for to the very helpful shop workers here will usually cause frustration. "So you want shorts to run in, but not running shorts, and you want shorts to play soccer (football...) in but not soccer (football...) shorts?"... No shorts purchased. I may have to start shopping online.

We also had a barbeque at the weekend, with some work folks and other friends and neighbours. Summer is running short and I am running out of time to get inappropriately drunk outside! It's a new experience actually being able to plan a bbq since there is a reasonably good chance that it will be dry what ever day you plan it for! No last minute texts to your mates because Saturday afternoon has somehow managed to remain dry and sunny, and getting to the supermarket at the tail end of the burger buying frenzy when the choice of meat is somewhat diminished. So having it all arranged about a week in advance was somewhat of a novelty. Of course it did rain on Saturday. Luckily not for long. Amanda also tells me that the hosts always provide the majority of the food. Again, something different. I'm used to just providing the grill. Also rather strange is the inclusion of salad type dishes. I'm not really sure how you prepare that on a flame grill, so I left that to Amanda. Salad has no place at a bbq as far as I'm concerned. Lettuce and tomato for your burger is about as far as that should go! It was a nice evening, and I managed to not get embarrassingly drunk. Probably a good thing as I have to work closely with several of the people there! All things considered, I think the adrenaline rush of the supermarket burger run at the last minute and drinking all the available alcohol is a bit more fun! But at least you can bbq 90% of the summer here. I'll work on the drunkenness. Probably won't take long these days...

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